

True beauty comes from the balance of mind and body. Embark on a journey of healing at MaryGraceSpa.


We offer a special aesthetic and spa plan that can be brought to hotels, villas, studios, celebrity waiting rooms, and even private homes outside of our business partnerships. Enjoy MaryGraceSpa's professional techniques and relaxing atmosphere in the comfort of your own space
当スパでは、お客様がお好みの会員ランクによって、ご自身のタイムスケジュールに合わせて健康と美の管理をする機会を提供しています。私たちの目的は、お客様に本当にリラックスできる体験と充実した休息時間を提供することです。 私たちはいつもお客様のそばにおり、お客様の個人的な美と健康の管理をサポートし、新しい光を放てるようお手伝いします。私たちの経験豊かなエステティシャンが、暖かく信頼できるおもてなしサービスを提供します。 私たちは、ご縁を深く感謝し、VIPのお客様としてお迎えできることを楽しみにしています。
We offer the opportunity to manage your health and beauty on your own schedule based on your preferred membership level. Our aim is to provide our customers with a truly relaxing experience and a fulfilling break time. We are always by your side, supporting your personal beauty and health management, and helping you shine with a new light. Our experienced staff will provide warm and trustworthy hospitality service. We deeply appreciate the opportunities we have been given and we look forward to serving you as our valued VIP client.
The warm water components that gently envelop you can be expected to provide beauty care treatment, and by relaxing and recharging, it enhances the effects of subsequent treatments such as Hawaiian Lomi Lomi and facials. It is possible to expect various benefits such as preventing skin roughness, protecting the skin, and preventing aging.


A Hawaiian spa that rejuvenates the mind and body in a healing space. An on-site 「Esthetic Spa program」


静かに目を閉じると音楽に癒され、ゆっくりと深い呼吸で心と体を整えるハワイアンスパをご指定のご希望の場所でいかがですか。 フランス・ブルターニュ地方のミネラル成分と美容成分たっぷりの入ったフットバスタブにて足浴いただきます。アロマの香りともにゆっくり流れる優雅な時間が、日々の感情やストレスが解放されていきます。
How about experiencing a Hawaiian spa that soothes you with music when you close your eyes and allows you to calm your mind and body with slow deep breaths at the location of your choice? You will be able to enjoy a foot bath in a bathtub filled with mineral and beauty components from Brittany, France. The elegant time that flows slowly with the aroma scent releases daily emotions and stress
当スパでは、より上品なエステプログラムでお手入れいたします。 生命の源である海水は、健康な体を維持するために必要な微量元素や有機物をバランス良く含んでいると言われています。ブルターニュ地方のフランスから採取したミネラル豊富な海水成分と、フィトメール社のオリジナル海水成分が豊富に含まれたものを一緒に使用し、足浴をお楽しみいただけます。 す。
We will provide care with an even more elegant esthetic program. Seawater, the source of all life, is said to contain a balanced amount of trace elements and organic matter necessary for maintaining a healthy body. You can enjoy a foot bath with mineral-rich seawater components from Brittany, France, along with Phytomer's original seawater components that are rich in minerals.


To book our on-site Esthetic Spa program that rejuvenates the mind and body in a healing space, please click the link below
オリジナルエステSpaプログラムフロー「Flow of Original Esthetic Spa Program」

Please let us know the membership status you desire to register for

Please note that the specified location and reservation time will be the arrival time

An esthetician will visit the designated location and time. Upon arrival, they will prepare for the session. ★Preparation time: 10-20 minutes

When the esthetician arrives at the designated location and time, please guide them to the treatment area. They will prepare for the session. Please prepare a washbasin and hot water.

We will provide a 20-minute foot bath, which includes a reflexology massage of 5 minutes per foot and a foot bath.

MaryGraceSpa[マリーグレーススパ] エステ ANAクラウンプラザホテル成田お部屋で ベットで女性がうつ伏せの状態で背面をエステティシャンの手でたたっぷりのアロマオイルをつけけて女性の身体をエステティックトリートメントマッサージをしている。女性は気持ちよさそうにうっとりと癒されながら時間と空間を心ゆくまで十分に味わいながら漫喫している様子
90-minute Lomi Lomi massage

Romiromi involves a thorough massage, even to the tips of your toes ♪

Lomi Lomi massage is a thorough massage that covers every inch, even up to the fingertips.

Lomilomi also includes a thorough head massage that will leave your mind feeling refreshed♪


40-minute facial care

Charges are also applied, making you happy♪

ANAクラウンプラザホテル成田 マリーグレーススパ カウンセリング
We will provide advice on the condition of your body and skin after the treatment.」

スキンケア商品の購入をご希望の場合は、お申し付けください。 *追加料金が適用される場合があります    
If you wish to purchase any skincare products, please inform us. *Additional charges may apply

お願い: もし食事のスケジュールがある場合は、エステティック終了後40分後に食事をお召し上がりいただけます。ご予約の際には、予約時間前後に余裕をもってお時間を設定いただけると幸いです。
Request: If you have a meal schedule, you can enjoy your meal 40 minutes after the end of the esthetic session. When making a reservation, please allow some extra time before and after your reserved session for scheduling flexibility.  

次回のご予約を承っております。We are now accepting reservations for your next appointment

Thank you very much. We will tidy up and leave now.

オリジナルエステSpaプログラムコース内容:   ①フランス・ブルターニュ地方のミネラル豊富な海水成分と美容成分で、足浴20分を行い、片足につき5分のマッサージをします。美容成分がより浸透するために、ゆっくりと20分かけて浸かることをお勧めします。 ②ハワイアンロミロミマッサージ90分。アロマオイル、プラセンタ、そして幹細胞培養液エクソソーム美容成分が配合されています。 ③フェイシャルケアー40分。 エステプランの総時間は170分です。   "Original Spa Program Course Contents:   ➀Foot bath for 20 minutes with mineral-rich seawater and beauty ingredients from the Brittany region of France, followed by a 5-minute foot massage on each foot. It is recommended to soak slowly for about 20 minutes for better absorption of beauty ingredients.   ②Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage for 90 minutes, which includes beauty ingredients such as aroma oil, placenta and stem cell culture fluid exosomes.   ③40-minute facial care. Total duration of the spa plan is 170 minutes."

At Mary Grace Spa, we offer esthetic care that combines the expertise of skilled therapists using the finest traditional massage techniques, including the top-secret massage technique "Lomi Lomi," which was once exclusively available to kings and queens. Our approach promotes physical, mental, and skin health and beauty. With the use of natural aromatherapy oils, you can enter a world of fantasy while releasing stress, and our unique beauty ingredients in our skincare products will leave your skin moist and glowing, making every day a happy one

愛する人とペアエステ Coupl' spa treatment with your beloved

Release the tension and stress that arises from busy daily life with a luxurious relaxation time on a non-routine holiday. Reawaken your natural healing power and enhance your ability to heal yourself, leading to a beautiful and healthy self. In addition, through sole esthetics, we provide support for fatigue recovery, motivation maintenance that comes from within, mind and emotion management, and health management

"Externally, ①After cleansing, an enzyme pack containing minerals from seawater is used to adsorb and remove old keratin and impurities from pores. ②Collagen and hyaluronic acid moisturize the outside (surface) of the skin. Internally, ③Bioactive phospholipids balance the stratum corneum (moisturizing and protecting). ④Collagen and elastin strengthen the moisturization of the inside (stratum corneum) of the skin, giving it elasticity. ⑤Beauty ingredients from stem cell culture fluid further nourish and energize the skin."


A skilled facial massage with abundant beauty ingredients from MaryGraceSpa for a small face esthetic

外側から、 ①クレンジング後、海水から抽出されたミネラルを含む酵素パックで古い角質や毛穴の汚れを吸着除去します。 ②コラーゲンとヒアルロン酸がお肌の外側(表面)を保湿します。 内側から、 ③生体リン脂質が角層を整え、保湿や保護をサポートします。 ④コラーゲンとエラスチンがお肌の内側(角層)で保湿を強化し、ハリを与えます。 ⑤幹細胞培養液に含まれた美容成分で、お肌をさらに栄養エネルギーで充実させます。

"Enjoy MaryGraceSpa's professional techniques and relaxing space in the comfort of your own location."
In a healing space, enjoy a Hawaiian spa that balances both mind and body. Relax in the room filled with peaceful scents and indulge in fulfilling time with hidden passion. As you share stories, experience fresh joy, happiness, and excitement

"MaryGraceSpa's safety measures"


安全に施術をさせていただいております。 開始前、終了後の手洗い、うがい、手指消毒、マスクは、もちろんですが、オゾンシェルタ-のように空間除菌99.9%されます。




"When receiving a treatment at MaryGraceSpa, we use an air purifier ozone generator to ensure your safety. Prior to and after the treatment, we wash our hands, gargle, disinfect our hands, and wear masks, as well as using the ozone shelter to disinfect the room by 99.9% against airborne and adhering bacteria. The treatment room you use at MaryGraceSpa is sanitized, including the esthetician's movement lines, to provide a safe and comfortable space for your treatment. The ozone generator we use is made by a manufacturer with a proven track record of safety, certified by TAIS code NO.1 and even adopted by emergency vehicles, so please rest assured."



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