







  • カリウム: 体内の余分な塩分を排出し、むくみ解消や血圧低下に役立ちます。日々の疲れやストレスから解放されたい方には特におすすめです。
  • ビタミンB6と葉酸: アミノ酸や脂質の代謝を助け、赤血球の生成をサポート。これにより、貧血の予防や免疫力向上が期待できます。
  • 食物繊維: 便秘解消や腸内環境の改善に効果的で、毎日の美容と健康をサポートします。
  • 一酸化窒素(NO): 血管を広げ、血流を改善することで血圧を下げる効果があります。また、運動パフォーマンスの向上にも寄与するため、アクティブなライフスタイルを送る方には欠かせない栄養素です。
  • 抗酸化作用: ビーツ特有の赤色素「ベタシアニン」は強力な抗酸化作用を持ち、老化防止や病気予防に有効です。




  • トマト: リコピンが豊富で、紫外線によるダメージから肌を守る効果が期待できます。
  • きゅうり: 水分が豊富で、水分補給とともにクールダウン効果もあります。
  • アボカド: ビタミンEが豊富で、お肌の抗酸化作用により、紫外線からの保護をサポートします。
  • サーモン: オメガ3脂肪酸が豊富で、炎症を抑える効果があります。夏の肌トラブルに効果的です。
  • ナッツ類: ビタミンEが豊富で、お肌のバリア機能を高め、日焼けによるダメージを軽減します。




  1. 日焼け:
    • 理由: 紫外線にはUV-AとUV-Bの二種類があり、UV-Bが日焼けの主な原因で、お肌の表面にダメージを与えます。UV-Aはお肌の深層部まで到達し、皮膚の老化やしわの原因となります。
    • 対策: 日焼け止めを使用して紫外線からお肌を保護しましょう。SPF(紫外線防止指数)30以上でPA+++以上の日焼け止めが推奨されます。また、日傘や帽子、UVカット機能のある衣服を着用することも効果的です。
  2. 光老化:
    • 理由: 長期間の紫外線露出は、お肌のコラーゲンとエラスチンを破壊し、しわやたるみを引き起こします。
    • 対策: 強い日差しを避けることが最も有効です。外出時には顔だけでなく、首や手の甲なども保護することが重要です。


  1. 脱水症状:
    • 理由: 高温によって体温調節のために汗を多くかくことがあり、それによって体内水分が失われ、お肌の乾燥を引き起こすことがあります。
    • 対策: 一日に十分な水分を摂取することが重要です。特に水やハーブティーなどの無糖の飲料がお勧めです。
  2. 皮脂の過剰分泌:
    • 理由: 高温が皮脂腺を刺激し、皮脂の分泌を増やすことがあります。これが毛穴を塞ぎ、ニキビの原因となることがあります。
    • 対策: 洗顔は1日2回を守り、さっぱりとした洗顔料で優しく洗いましょう。また、保湿は控えめにして、皮脂のバランスを整えるための化粧水や乳液を選ぶと良いでしょう。


  • 保湿: お肌の水分バランスを整えるために、保湿は必須です。特に夜のスキンケアルーティンには、しっとりとしたクリームやセラムを使用して、一日中受けたダメージからお肌を回復させましょう。
  • 栄養: 抗酸化物質を多く含む食品を摂ることで、内側からお肌を守ることができます。ビタミンCやE、ベータカロチンを豊富に含む食品を積極的に取り入れましょう。
  • 定期的なスキンケア: 定期的なフェイシャルトリートメントやマッサージは、血行を良くし、紫外線や高温によるストレスからお肌を守ります。




  • 柑橘類:オレンジ、レモン、グレープフルーツなど
  • キウイ:ビタミンCが非常に豊富
  • イチゴ:春から初夏にかけて旬を迎える美味しくて栄養価の高い果物
  • パプリカ:特に赤や黄色のパプリカはビタミンCが非常に高い
  • ブロッコリー:緑黄色野菜の中でも特にビタミンCが豊富



  • ナッツ類:アーモンド、ヘーゼルナッツ、ピーナッツ
  • 種子類:ひまわりの種、かぼちゃの種
  • 植物油:オリーブオイル、ひまわり油、アボカドオイル
  • 全粒穀物:特にビタミンEが強化された製品
  • ほうれん草:葉物野菜の中でも特にビタミンEが豊富



  • にんじん:ベータカロチンが非常に豊富
  • サツマイモ:栄養価が高く、ベータカロチンを多く含む
  • カボチャ:ベータカロチンの他、ビタミンEも含まれる
  • マンゴー:フルーツの中でも特にベータカロチンが豊富
  • ほうれん草とケール:これらの葉物野菜はベータカロチンの良い供給源です







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Ladies and gentlemen, how are you feeling today? Thank you always for your patronage of MaryGrace. During this time of strong summer sunlight and high temperatures, which can be draining, we would like to focus on the wisdom of food that supports beauty and health, recommending care from within.

Recently, I found organic beets during shopping, and I’d like to share their beautiful deep purple color and health benefits.

Beets, root vegetables that resemble turnips, are noted not only for their vibrant appearance but also for their high nutritional value.

Especially, organic beets are grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers, relying only on the power of nature.

Astonishing Nutrients and Benefits of Beets:

  • Potassium: Helps expel excess salt from the body, aiding in reducing puffiness and lowering blood pressure. Particularly recommended for those who want to relieve daily fatigue and stress.
  • Vitamin B6 and Folate: Support the metabolism of amino acids and fats, and aid in the production of red blood cells. This can help prevent anemia and boost the immune system.
  • Dietary Fiber: Effective in alleviating constipation and improving the intestinal environment, supporting daily beauty and health.
  • Nitric Oxide (NO): Dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow, which can lower blood pressure. Also contributes to enhanced exercise performance, making it an essential nutrient for those leading an active lifestyle.
  • Antioxidant Properties: The red pigment betacyanin in beets has a strong antioxidant effect, which is beneficial for anti-aging and disease prevention.

Beets are often referred to as “drinkable blood” due to their rich nutritional value, making them an indispensable ingredient especially for those conscious about beauty and health. They are highly recommended for people suffering from bloating or constipation.

Measures for Summer UV Rays and Tired Skin

Summer UV rays can cause significant damage to the skin. In addition to organic beets, the following ingredients can be helpful in skin care:

  • Tomatoes: Rich in lycopene, which can protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays.
  • Cucumbers: High in water content, providing hydration and a cooling effect.
  • Avocados: Abundant in vitamin E, which supports the skin’s antioxidant defense against UV rays.
  • Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Effective for summer skin troubles.
  • Nuts: Rich in vitamin E, enhancing the skin’s barrier function and reducing damage from sunburn.

Impact of Summer UV Rays and High Temperatures on the Skin and Their Measures

The summer season, while full of enjoyable activities, can be harsh on the skin. Especially, UV rays and high temperatures can potentially cause various damages. Here, we introduce the reasons, measures, and effective care methods in detail.

Impact of UV Rays

  • Sunburn:
    • Reason: There are two types of ultraviolet rays, UV-A and UV-B. UV-B is the main cause of sunburn, damaging the skin’s surface, while UV-A penetrates deep into the skin, causing aging and wrinkles.
    • Measures: Use sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays. It is recommended to use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and PA+++ rating. Wearing a parasol, hat, and UV-protective clothing is also effective.
  • Photoaging:
    • Reason: Prolonged exposure to UV rays destroys collagen and elastin in the skin, leading to wrinkles and sagging.
    • Measures: Avoiding strong sunlight is most effective. It is important to protect not only the face but also the neck and the backs of the hands when going out.

Impact of High Temperatures

  • Dehydration:
    • Reason: High temperatures can cause increased sweating for body temperature regulation, which may lead to loss of body water and dry skin.
    • Measures: It is important to drink sufficient water throughout the day. Unsweetened beverages like water and herbal tea are recommended.
  • Excessive Sebum Production:
    • Reason: High temperatures can stimulate the sebaceous glands, increasing sebum production. This can clog pores and cause acne.
    • Measures: Maintain washing your face twice a day with a fresh cleanser and choose lighter moisturizers and lotions to balance sebum.

Effective Care Methods

  • Hydration: Moisturizing is essential to balance the skin’s moisture. Especially during your nightly skincare routine, use rich creams or serums to recover the skin from damage sustained throughout the day.
  • Nutrition: Consuming foods rich in antioxidants can protect the skin from within. Actively incorporate foods rich in vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene.
  • Regular Skincare: Regular facial treatments and massages improve circulation and protect the skin from stress caused by UV rays and high temperatures.

By taking these measures, you can protect your skin from summer UV rays and high temperatures, maintaining beautiful and healthy skin.

Additionally, you can check out recipes using these ingredients and more detailed care methods on our blog. Moreover, after experiencing treatments at MaryGraceSpa, we will provide professional advice on observing your skin condition and optimal home care methods.

We are passionately waiting for your reservation to experience the refreshment of both mind and body at MaryGraceSpa this summer.

Booking Information:

Don’t carry the fatigue of summer into autumn. Enjoy a luxurious moment at MaryGraceSpa, where you can obtain both health and beauty through special care. Please book early as reservations are limited. Our staff is eagerly awaiting your reservation.

Web Booking (BookNow) → https://mary-grace.com/online-booknow/

At MaryGraceSpa, we cherish the trust relationship with our customers above all. We provide care with kindness and respect, aiming for a comfortable state for both therapists and clients. Seeing your relaxed smile is our greatest joy.

Why not refresh your mind and body while experiencing the techniques of Japan and the healing spirit of Hawaii? With our Lomi Lomi special, we promise you moments of bliss.

With aloha and love, we await you!

At MaryGraceSpa in Narita, we support your beauty, health, and career success. We hope to care for your professional growth and physical and mental health.

We hope the small changes in your life will spread happiness, beauty, and health across Japan. And we believe that these health and beauty efforts, focusing on “beauty, health, peace, and love” within oneself through social media, will deepen the joy and share and spread it with others around you.

We hope our efforts towards health and beauty will become a step towards world peace, bringing genuine peace and happiness to you all.

We await your reservation at MaryGraceSpa.

Web Booking (BookNow) → https://mary-grace.com/online-booknow/

MaryGraceSpaMaryGraceSpa → https://mary-grace.com/

Helpful Blog at MaryGraceSpaMaryGraceSpa → https://mary-grace.com/category/blog/

Total Care Beauty Salon & Lomi Lomi Providing beauty and healing through Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Esthetician

★★★★★ https://mary-grace.com/hawaiian-lomilomi-esthetician…/ Currently enrolling for the MarygRaceAcademy’s short-term intensive Lomi Lomi certification course starting in November for 5 nights and 6 days https://marygrace-academy.com/…/invention-of-advance…/

MaryGraceSpaMaryGraceSpa Contact / Reservations: 09065894932 ● Member of the Japan Esthetic Association ● AJESTHE Certified Esthetician ● AJESTHE Certified Health Manager

Visit ANA Crown Plaza Hotel and book only aesthetic services https://mary-grace.com/webyoaku-esthetic-only/ Book esthetic services in your hotel room https://mary-grace.com/webyoaku-repeater/

List of Partner Clients at MaryGraceSpa:


マリーグレーススパMaryGraceSpa→ https://mary-grace.com/

所在施設: ANA Crowne Plaza Narita, in MaryGraceSpa

所在地: 〒286-0107 千葉県成田市堀之内68

営業時間: 10:0023:30

電話番号: 090-6589-4932
